About Us

Zone Authority

The Catawba Digital Economic Zone is governed by a Zone Authority. The Zone Authority is the entity in charge of creating and enforcing regulations within the CDEZ. It creates the regulations that apply to companies domiciled in it.

Laws and Regulations

The CDEZ has a legal framework and commercial code that won’t slow you down. It is built by experts and builders, not special interests. CDEZ regulations are modelled off best practices from around the world with a focus on enabling innovation, not forbidding it. A regulatory sandbox protected by the high walls of U.S. treaty obligations.

Zone Commercial Code

The Commercial Code of the Catawba Digital Economic Zone was enacted into Law on February 19th 2022 by the Catawba Indian Nation’s legislative body. The Zone’s regulatory framework allows the Zone Authority to regulate businesses incorporated within the the Zone, and gives Green Earth Zone Services Corporation (commercial name Catawba Digital Economic Zone) the operations of this endeavor.

Upcoming Regulations

This is the Zone Authority’s space for Notice of Proposed Regulations, request for information and commenting periods.

Zone Bulletin

These are the regulations in our pipeline.

Approved Regulations

Here you can find all approved regulations of the Zone Authority.

Administrative Code

Here you can find all approved regulations of the Zone Authority.

Enabling Legislation

The Green Earth Zone Civil Code has the authority of a statute and contains the laws governing companies registered in the CDEZ.

Enabling Legislation

The Green Earth Zone Civil Code has the authority of a statute and contains the laws governing activities in the Zone.

Zone Authority Commissioners

The Zone Commission is the nimble regulatory body of the Zone Authority. Commissioners meet approximately every two weeks to study and vote on policies.

Zone Regulations Explained

Digital Assets Regulation FAQ


  • Web3  is constantly threatened by lack of regulatory clarity, too bureaucratic or unstable regulatory environments. Without any jurisdiction to support continued growth, companies are often regulated unevenly, unpredictably, and sometimes aggressively.
  • Having regulatory clarity is important to stabilize and grow this trillion dollar market.
  • The fundamental building blocks for digital asset businesse.
  • Rules for DAOs, NFTs and Stablecoins.
  • The CDEZ’s Digital Assets Regulation can be found here. Title VI. Chapter 10. of the Zone Enabling Law reads: “Digital Asset” means a representation of economic, proprietary, or access rights that is stored in a computer readable format and is either a Digital Consumer Asset, Digital Security or Virtual Currency, and qualifies as a type of intangible personal property under the Zone Civil Ordinance. The Zone Authority shall define, classify, and regulate Digital Assets and their treatment under this Title.
  • Wyoming was the first state to:
    • Enact blockchain-enabling legislation.
    • Establishes that digital assets such as cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (“NFTs”) are intangible property.
    • Digital Assets are covered by the general Wyoming scheme of property rights:
      • Property protection and enforcement.
      • Sale, lease, licensing, etc.
    • For a full comparison between our Zone’s Digital Assets Regulation and Wyoming’s, scroll down.